super vote: ( left this week)
See A Penny..Pick It Up..All The Day You'll Have Good Luck
12/04/13 7:30:37
Cupid Stunts
30/08/12 11:00:16
Yep, you're right she's not wearing any knickers!
21/12/19 10:04:38
Pamela Sanderson
09/02/18 21:19:11
This is not just any Cucumber..This is a S&M Cucumber
14/02/13 20:14:14
That Spray Tan..really works..
02/03/13 8:10:07
Wheelchair thieves operate in this area
08/03/20 14:18:02
Fashion Police
24/09/17 11:08:36
Pick your Own
16/09/17 7:49:05
When is this bloody thing going to hatch?
18/11/19 18:06:21
For God's sake Fred I've been looking all over for that Multi LED Torch!!
19/08/18 9:42:37
31/08/17 20:01:58
Mary liked staying at the Static Caravan park
20/01/14 9:03:18
Please remain seated through out the entire performance
26/08/12 19:06:43
Hey Dude.. good to see you.. Pull up a Stool
08/05/14 21:14:18
Helen came from a colorful background
22/09/17 11:29:43
20/08/17 11:42:16
Hot off the Press
22/09/16 11:53:51
Next time do it in the cat litter box provided!
23/09/21 21:10:03
Aloe Vera, can you hear me??
15/01/17 22:17:35
Rob was disqualified from the Barbara Streisand Sculpture awards
09/01/16 14:19:56
He should have had Toucans, that would have made him feel better!
03/04/14 8:33:30
No...I've not eaten the Christmas tree.What ever gave you that idea?
19/02/14 8:30:23
Dolly Mixtures
07/11/12 12:00:23
That's a tatty looking car
18/09/21 11:51:23
Eye Candy
26/07/17 8:01:07
Iron Maiden
30/04/17 11:05:40
PauL Hollywood post Bake Off
01/09/16 19:01:00
For God-sake Jessica You've got to start wearing deodorant!
29/02/16 8:15:02
Virginia Wolf
04/05/15 7:43:08
♬ Goodness Gracious..Great Balls of Fire ♬
10/03/15 9:43:28
Take me to your Feeder
17/03/13 21:07:07
Hi, This is Lorraine I would like to make a Doctors Appointment I need to speak with her about this new HRT she has put me on.
25/02/13 9:02:39
08/07/12 19:00:38
I couldn't decide what to I wore everything
09/01/18 16:51:38
Now just take a few more steps back Ethel.. ETHEL????
24/08/17 7:28:45
MOM.... Nan thinks she's in the toilet again!!
01/07/16 20:07:37
Pool Shark
14/01/16 9:38:57
Caerphilly, he lowers himself down.
07/01/18 10:08:38
Spot..Come here Spot..
25/11/17 8:24:31
Honestly Simon,Your such a Drama queen I only asked you to change the baby's nappies
31/10/16 9:55:17
Where's that Bloody Hot Air Balloon?
27/08/16 7:14:51
Still trying to put out Keith Floyd's Body
08/08/16 8:30:34
Isle of Skye
07/08/16 20:13:19
I hate Holidaying in France!!
08/07/16 15:49:19
In Australia they don't give Triple X
20/02/15 13:49:13
OK.. Who Took the Ladder???
04/10/14 20:16:09
Skeleton Staff now operate in the Library
22/09/12 19:05:07
Brothers in arms
11/05/12 20:36:21
You tell him he's using the Christening Font
27/05/19 15:45:50
Sorry Fiona, I Can't hear what your saying
12/12/18 8:15:40
Who's idea was it to put Ena Sharples in goal?
10/02/18 9:47:48
Fashion with a twist.
05/11/17 8:02:57
Now part lips with tongue, slip tongue in mouth and roll it around a bit continue to press lips with your lips
03/09/16 7:11:25
02/11/15 8:15:06
Michael Fish's Retirement Gift from the BBC
31/08/15 20:03:46
16/07/15 7:18:42
And your point is..?
30/04/15 11:52:21
Bang on time..the Love Eggs have switched on
03/03/14 20:59:32
The Dinosaur was Foiled again
03/01/14 21:02:33
Are you sure we're at Glastonbury??
11/12/13 20:54:04
30/11/13 8:18:18
25/11/13 8:20:29
Light Ale
21/01/13 8:45:47
01/12/12 14:53:36
Hand Delivered
14/11/12 13:41:54
Molar Explorer
04/11/12 9:30:41
Are we there yet?
01/07/12 19:58:53
Will someone please give Dave a Snickers bar
09/10/21 7:06:11
They offered me a Brazilian but I prefer Whiskers
13/05/21 13:15:44
For God sake Picasso why cant you just eat your food like normal people
19/04/21 8:07:54
Hey,I'll have a Babycham
12/02/20 13:10:42
Poor Celia was really struggling with her Labia-reconstruction
18/01/20 8:15:02
NOOOOO Tina, Just the Marshmallow!! You just swallow the marshmallow
06/03/17 8:17:39
They look hard on your feet
11/10/15 20:04:58
Watch out for the tree Spirits
12/09/15 11:44:33
My..tut tut tut..How the Walton's Have changed
04/09/13 9:59:45
Three Sheets To The Wind
30/03/13 8:03:12
07/05/12 13:05:24
Proof of the first Bowling Ball
28/05/14 8:03:24
Legless Toothless, Soiled and don't get me started on the Baby!!
02/03/14 12:33:47
George Formby returns to haunt his Lamppost
29/01/14 21:17:29
Cat on a Hot Tin
22/09/13 19:13:45
Ring Of Fire
01/06/13 7:01:41
Right Doris, Just keep holding your finger in that hole..while I pop to the Pub
02/05/13 8:17:58
This Specimen will be Great for Filly-Con-Carne
13/02/13 13:03:02
Smile..Your On Candida Camera
09/02/13 8:55:10
I SAID....You Buy One..You Get One Free
17/12/12 16:26:10
Twin Peaks
22/11/12 12:05:07
Everyone waited for McDonald to show them his quarter pounder
12/09/12 11:36:04
I was sat too close to Willie Stroker
06/11/20 8:05:15
When the Chips are down...she's naked!
19/01/20 8:37:23
Is that Smith's Machinery Hire Company?I ordered a Crane off you,well about that...
13/01/20 13:14:20
Serge was glad when the Ice statue had melted, though his tongue was never going to make a full recovery
26/12/18 20:55:55
and maybe now Carl you will understand why you must never buy Shampoo off ebay
21/05/18 21:36:25
Waiter..this Pepper Mill is a bit dusty
03/02/18 21:37:43
I told you my suitcase was as good as a BBQ
22/10/17 9:16:48
Damn Fire Drill I'll never live this down!
05/10/17 20:34:38
Is that Abe Lincoln waving at me??
13/08/17 14:52:29
Police were Scrambled to the farm in the middle of the night.
06/05/17 11:04:06
118 - 127 108 - 117 98 - 107 88 - 97 78 - 87 68 - 77 58 - 67 48 - 57 38 - 47 28 - 37 18 - 27 8 - 17 1 - 7
Dandruff on her boots, a dead giveaway.
comment on caption: Yep, you're right she's not wearing any knickers! [GeeDee]
And she's not either, eh?
comment on caption: Definitely not wearing any knickers!!! [GeeDee]
Time is on you.
comment on caption: and are still never on time!! [GeeDee]
Didn't we have this comment about a month ago?
comment on caption: For God sake Picasso why cant you just eat your food like normal people [GeeDee]
have no idea lots of comments get repeated
Winnie ... the poo!
comment on caption: Next time do it in the cat litter box provided! [GeeDee]
A few moments later his family would regret it too.
comment on caption: Gary regrets having the Vindaloo an hour earlier [GeeDee]
Hahaaa so true
Dandruff on her boots, a dead giveaway.
comment on caption:
Yep, you're right she's not wearing any knickers! [GeeDee]
And she's not either, eh?
comment on caption:
Definitely not wearing any knickers!!! [GeeDee]
Time is on you.
comment on caption:
and are still never on time!! [GeeDee]
Didn't we have this comment about a month ago?
comment on caption:
For God sake Picasso why cant you just eat your food like normal people [GeeDee]
have no idea lots of comments get repeated
comment on caption:
For God sake Picasso why cant you just eat your food like normal people [GeeDee]
have no idea lots of comments get repeated
comment on caption:
For God sake Picasso why cant you just eat your food like normal people [GeeDee]
comment on caption:
For God sake Picasso why cant you just eat your food like normal people [GeeDee]
Winnie ... the poo!
comment on caption:
Next time do it in the cat litter box provided! [GeeDee]
A few moments later his family would regret it too.
comment on caption:
Gary regrets having the Vindaloo an hour earlier [GeeDee]
Hahaaa so true
comment on caption:
Gary regrets having the Vindaloo an hour earlier [GeeDee]