lol creative clever

super vote: ( left this week)

now click a caption or
enter our caption contest
  1. sign up
  2. click on a photo

    New photos daily at 8am, midday and 8pm

  3. add a funny caption

    Add up to 10 captions in your first week.
    This quota increases if your captions are popular.

£50 cash prize on August 1st
previous winners
Tony S Vote score: 9404Tony S



Be careful because Super
Average Man can be mean.

01/06/24 12:05:36, edited: 04/07/24 0:27:41

Brilliant caption. Spend it on your 2.4 children.  --C CaMel
Karen McDonald Vote score: 4343Karen McDonald



Longleat safari park staff
unhappy with new uniform.

27/05/24 12:35:44, edited: 19/06/24 17:41:54

Karen. Congratulations on creating a caption that meats everyone's approval. --Troompa Loompa
Karyn Harrison Vote score: 10982Karyn Harrison


I prefer the Lego lamb

25/04/24 12:04:53, edited: 01/05/24 23:20:19

Thank you so much for all your kind words and clever comments. I was amazed that my caption was so well-liked and never expected to be this month's winner. It was a lovely surprise and it's made my day.😃 Many thanks to Chris and to everyone else wh --Karyn Harrison
Tony S Vote score: 9404Tony S


The council say we need to change
the headstone on  your mothers grave.

28/02/24 20:51:13, edited: 02/04/24 10:37:34

Thanks all and big shock as not been on much recently (that thing called family getting in the way.) I shall now as a tribute go and buy some flowers the the mother in laws grave. --Tony S
Chris Keegan Vote score: 14648Chris Keegan


“Jeeez Dave, it’s not looking good,
they usually come out with a stretcher”

14/02/24 12:09:41, edited: 15/03/24 18:16:30

Congrats, Chris! That was a pitch-perfect caption. :^) Crunchy --Crunchy Chords
James Lennox Vote score: 19071James Lennox


A Brief History of Time

18/01/24 8:12:29, edited: 15/03/24 18:17:37

Many congratulations, James - blooming marvellous! --Molly R
Dave Bryan Vote score: 33827Dave Bryan


Its no use sulking. You were
the one who ate the cleaner.

14/12/23 20:05:07, edited: 15/03/24 18:17:50

Many congratulations, Dave! This picture was one of my first attempts at creating something using AI. I'm so pleased to see it inspired such a brilliant caption. Well done!And thanks, Vivvy. I'm glad you liked the picture. --Karyn Harrison
Phil Swan Vote score: 4161Phil Swan


After years of no dates Davina
decided to change her Tinder photo

09/11/23 12:08:28, edited: 15/03/24 18:18:14, suggested edits

Well done Phil - great caption! How was the date? --Mr Dome
The Wolf Vote score: 21909The Wolf


"Stop crying, Matilda.
The donkey ride was too expensive."

26/10/23 12:26:57, edited: 15/03/24 18:25:47

Many thanks, Captioneers, for your votes and kind and funny words. I'm chuffed to bits that many of you liked the caption, and hats off to those who narrowly missed out. Big shout out as always to Mr Beach for providing the platform for us to be crea --The Wolf
Vivvy En Vote score: 14390Vivvy En


"...and that is why you should regularly
clean and thoroughly dry your belly button."

25/09/23 12:21:49, edited: 15/03/24 18:19:20

Thanks, everyone, for your kind words and funny comments. I'm so glad that James' caption was able to receive the recognition it deserved too, very worthy. And as always, thanks to Chris for all the work you do for us. Today begins a new month so we' --Vivvy En
James Lennox Vote score: 19071James Lennox


"Im trying to be sneaky here. Could
you stop playing that bloody cello?"

01/09/23 20:02:48, edited: 15/03/24 18:19:32

Love your caption James. You're gonna need a bigger vote 😉 --Dot Old
John Harrison Vote score: 7284John Harrison


It was to be Karens first and
last childrens party booking.

17/08/23 8:12:00

Many thanks for all your kind comments. Still can't tell which captions are going to get 30+ votes and which will be tumbleweed (which is most of them!) --John Harrison
Phil Swan Vote score: 4161Phil Swan


  Ethel changed her mind as to where to scatter George’s ashes

13/07/23 8:11:00

Very well done, Phil! Yours was the crem of the crop. Congratulations on your win. --Al Overy
Mr Dome  Vote score: 18212Mr Dome


Ah here it is,  How to be a Tennis Umpire

05/06/23 8:22:18

Hello All. Thanks for all the very funny comments 😁. I actually was on here about 6am this morning voting and never noticed I'd won. I only realised when I an email that I'd been sent some money from Chris which is very kind thank you. I would prefer --Mr Dome
Karen McDonald Vote score: 4343Karen McDonald


"I think the cat wants to go out."

29/05/23 8:20:55, edited: 18/07/24 15:08:54

Thanks everyone! thank you very much for voting, I am so chuffed, I literally never win anything ever. Thank you to Mr Beach for this horrendously addictive marvellous website, and finally thank you to my cat Midnight who is always wanting to go o... --Karen McDonald
Chris Keegan Vote score: 14648Chris Keegan


"Really?? Our ancestors were programmed to make mashed potatoes???"

22/04/23 8:08:57, edited: 01/06/23 10:11:47

Well done, Chris. Now you can get absolutely smashed. --Dave Bryan
M Clarkie Vote score: 1271M Clarkie


  Darn jackpot this time.

31/03/23 12:40:44

Darn jackpot this time. Vote.Darn jackpot this time. Vote.Darn jackpot this time. Vote.Caption pay out! Congratulations M Clarkie --Glyn Evans
Al Overy Vote score: 19253Al Overy


'Dear Mr Smith, here is your beloved Mittens, compliments of Stuffit & Mount Taxidermy. Due to a small incident with some superglue, we have decided to waive your bill. P.S. You can keep the deer.'

15/03/23 8:00:16

Good stuff! Dead funny. your wins just keep mounting.Keep them coming Al. --John Glover
John Harrison Vote score: 7284John Harrison


Imran made a mental note to avoid the supermarket at prayer times.

16/02/23 12:00:22

Great caption John, I bow to your humor and cleverness. And not just because it's prayer time. If this were ever to happen to you, I hope it won't be the kind of person who reads every label several times before making up their mind.... --Willie Johnson
Al Overy Vote score: 19253Al Overy


  Rock and paper came along after scissors. Dads currently suing the vasectomy clinic.

26/01/23 12:11:11

Congratulations, Al. Out of the many great captions this month, yours was a cut above the rest.:^)Crunchy --Crunchy Chords
Ian Skelding Vote score: 33381Ian Skelding


“Sat nav says bear to the left”

16/12/22 20:30:21, edited: 01/01/23 21:31:06

Thanks very much for all the comments, happy new year to you all 🙂 --Ian Skelding
Stephen Bean Vote score: 42214Stephen Bean


Caesar salad

12/12/22 12:18:34

Well done Stephen for a great caption which was really on point --Mr Dome
John Harrison Vote score: 7284John Harrison


It was the first venue designed exclusively for Goldfish funerals.

30/11/22 12:04:55

Bloody hell. I take a break for a couple of days and when I come back both the November AND December prize winners have been announced ;)  --James Lennox
Mark Cowling Vote score: 3057Mark Cowling


ITV allow the public to choose  Matt Hancocks next trial.

23/11/22 12:00:07

Oh no, is it the end of the month already? Just like James, I don't know who Matt Hancock is but at least I can tell him from a bar of soap. Every day I get in the shower with Matt Hancock, lather him up and wash with him all over my body, especi... --Willie Johnson
Al Overy Vote score: 19253Al Overy


  "Is it bad news, Mr Whitty?"

21/10/22 8:00:16

Thanks so much for the votes and kind words. Moreover, thanks to Chris for his hard work, patience and generosity running the site. It's not easy looking after us lot. Thanks again, everyone. :)P.S. I'll just do a pun next time, James. --Al Overy
Crunchy Chords Vote score: 8241Crunchy Chords



27/09/22 20:00:12, edited: 02/10/22 6:21:37

Wow!! Cheers for the kind comments, everyone, and especially to Paul (the Finder), and to James, John L, and Glad (the generous Super-voters) as well as Vincent for his early praise. So many great captions this past month! I feel sorry to have pip... --Crunchy Chords
Vanessa  the Guesser Vote score: 22575Vanessa the Guesser


  Boris is already trying to worm his way back into number 10.

08/09/22 8:01:34

Nice one Vanessa ... if you celebrate with a drink ... 'Down the hatch' --John Glover
Molly R Vote score: 4538Molly R


"No, mate, I havent seen your Guinness."

11/08/22 8:00:12

Well done, Molly! You won by a whisker. Congratulations.  --Al Overy
Vinny En Vote score: 14390Vinny En


We raised her on tinned food

18/07/22 12:04:26

Great caption. And Vivvy has very generously donated her prize back to the prize pool - thank you very much.  --Chris Beach
Nigel Marshall Vote score: 2073Nigel Marshall


  “and did you make a wish?”

14/07/22 8:00:14

This caption gave me a genuine LOL moment. And getting two captions in the monthly top three is a very rare achievement for any captioneer. AND this is only your first month on the site! Well done Nigel.  --Chris Beach
James Lennox Vote score: 19071James Lennox


  "And the winner of the Who can get closest to a helicopter without dying competition is..."

18/06/22 8:00:31

Cheers for the congrats, guys. I think I was lucky to pip Tony's one, so I'm very glad he got a 2nd place prize. A big cheer out to the contributors who have made this extra prize possible. And, as always, many thanks to Chris for the... --James Lennox
Tony S Vote score: 9404Tony S


  When youve got to go, youve got to go.

16/06/22 8:07:13

Squeezed out of first place and not quite stinking rich. Well done all the same, Tony!  --Al Overy
Scrijjy Doo Vote score: 12423Scrijjy Doo


  Hold Wetty and Crappy while I hang myself.

02/05/22 20:06:01

Congratulations, Scrijjy! A fairytale ending. --Al Overy
Stephen Bean Vote score: 42214Stephen Bean


  "Piss off Dave. Bills already given me two mirrors and a windscreen wiper."

01/04/22 12:10:36

Well done Stephen, you certainly rose to that challenge. --John Glover
Chris Keegan Vote score: 14648Chris Keegan


Fairground regrets telling kids they can stay on as long as they like for 5 shillings.

04/03/22 12:00:30

Well done Chris , now get off and let someone else have a go. --Tony S
Vivvy En Vote score: 14390Vivvy En


  HRH agrees to fund Prince Harrys security whilst in UK

29/01/22 8:14:53

Thanks everyone, you crazy bunch. You keep me sane, you really do. Thanks also to Chris - remains my favourite hang-out. And my gratitude also goes to Lizzie's dysfunctional family for providing us with excellent captioning material. --Vivvy En
Tony S Vote score: 9404Tony S


"Why cant I just sit on the rack at the back ?"  "Because your brother asked first and theres no room for both of you."

22/01/22 8:26:34

Having not been able to take part over the last few days it was a massive supprise to come back to this. I must say I have become a massive fan of the 3 day voting period pushing Vivvy En and her superb caption into February :) . It will explain ... --Tony S
The Wolf Vote score: 21909The Wolf


  “I need your clothes, your boots and your mobility scooter.”

02/12/21 12:00:09

Wow, what a nice surprise. Thanks for all of your kind words and for all the fun and silliness. And thanks to Chris for providing our creative caption world and for choosing me as the winner. Happy new year to everyone. Let's have a good one.  --The Wolf
C CaMel Vote score: 15738C CaMel


  “In all my years as a gynaecologist…”

04/11/21 8:08:24

C CaMel has very kindly donated his November cash prize back to and suggested we run a Christmas bonus prize for the 2021 “one that got away.”So, please  --Chris Beach
Chris Keegan Vote score: 14648Chris Keegan



27/10/21 12:06:41

Hi all, many thanks for all your kind comments and votes, I'm in bits! I recently took some time off the site however the rehab clearly didn't work and it's great to be back transfixed to my phone in dark corridors with my fellow captionoholics... --Chris Keegan
Al Overy Vote score: 19253Al Overy


"This is an important Government announcement:   There are plenty of shellfish and no need to panic. Do not rush to the beach..."

27/09/21 8:00:41

Thanks everyone! I'm blown away by the support and really wasn't expecting this. Right, I'm off to barter for half a jerry can of unleaded.  --Al Overy
Lucky Elperro Vote score: 6317Lucky Elperro


"Are you stuck mate?"  "No, Im delivering A F**CKING BRIDGE!"

22/08/21 12:09:12

Lucky Elperro has insisted I invest the prize money into the running of the site, which is very kind of him. Thanks! --Chris Beach
James Lennox Vote score: 19071James Lennox


"This is most embarrassing, but could you help? Somehow I've caught my penis in the fence."

18/07/21 12:55:41

Many congratulations, James! I've been out of it a while with Covid and missed some pictures entirely, so this has come as a new delight. A very worthy winner! --Molly R
Vivvy En Vote score: 14390Vivvy En


  The other side reads: Emergency phone - 2km Ahead

31/05/21 12:46:42

Big thanks to Chris and also for the kind words from my fellow caption addicts. I just love being a part of this crazy creative community :) --Vivvy En
C CaMel Vote score: 15738C CaMel


  "He was castaway on a remote island for years, his best mate is a volleyball, maybe we shouldve put him on light duties for a bit?"

28/04/21 20:37:01

Congrats, C CaMel! Order something nice for yourself online! But, maybe don't use FedEx for the shipping....:^)-Crunchy --Crunchy Chords
Tony S Vote score: 9404Tony S


I name this ship Titanic.
Excuse me sir why are you dressed as a woman?
Just a feeling.

08/04/21 12:16:05

Thanks for all your comments it really is appreciated although I must confess I did use words from 18 other captions and just put them together in this order so I guess it belongs to all of you really. --Tony S
Vanessa  the Guesser Vote score: 22575Vanessa the Guesser


  "Good boy!" said Paul McCartney.

25/03/21 20:00:07

Thank you for the votes and kind comments. I hope you all get the chance to put your feet up and have a great Easter! --Vanessa the Guesser
Al Overy Vote score: 19253Al Overy


Tonight on Panorama: Is there too much oestrogen in our water? We speak to three men in their thirties about their experiences.

17/02/21 8:01:22

I refuse to recognise this as the winning caption. I was getting ready to celebrate this one as the true winner - me at the "Stop the Steal" rally followed by a march to the Caption Building alongsid... --Troompa Loompa
Stu Dent Vote score: 5690Stu Dent


  Since the pandemic started, Cremation staff are having to work from home

25/01/21 20:03:45

Kudos to you Stu, well urned.  --Glyn Evans
Mark Wilson Vote score: 5197Mark Wilson


"Welcome to Farmyard FM, just gone 7AM and this is for all the turkeys,  its Mariah Careys all I want for Christmas is you"

18/12/20 9:44:36

An alarmingly good caption. Well done, Mark --Vivvy En
Al Overy Vote score: 19253Al Overy


  Blind people: never walk near swamps with an inexperienced guide dog.

05/12/20 20:07:54

... or an inexperienced bog guide.Well done Al. Great caption. --James Lennox
The Wolf Vote score: 21909The Wolf


Meerkat fancy dress costumes have become increasingly popular  within Denmarks Mink population.

10/11/20 8:00:16

Many thanks to you all for your votes and kind words. Additional thanks to Chris for providing and maintaining the site and for choosing me for this month's winner. This was one of those captions which I nearly didn't post because I thought it w... --The Wolf
Al Overy Vote score: 19253Al Overy


BREAKING - Sniffer dog retires after largest ever cocaine find.  He left on a high, said his handler.

10/10/20 12:00:14

Thanks again everyone.  --Al Overy
Molly R Vote score: 4538Molly R


  Most of them were Trump lookalikes - orange on the outside, hollow on the inside, and should be thrown out in November.

20/09/20 12:00:47

Thank you all so much! I had never imagined that I could ever produce a winning caption - I was always delighted with anything which crept into double figures. So there is hope for everyone, that one of their captions may just hit the spot. --Molly R
Vanessa  the Guesser Vote score: 22575Vanessa the Guesser


  Later on they fell out.

08/08/20 8:05:57

Thanks everybody! I really appreciate all the support and the lovely uplifting comments. :) --Vanessa the Guesser
Mark Wilson Vote score: 5197Mark Wilson


Due to social distancing the pool only has water in lanes 1, 3, 5 and 7.  So if the swimmer representing Ireland in the 200m backstroke could move to the next lane across please

19/07/20 12:36:41

Wow, I'm only on the bloody winners board!! Thanks to all who made this possible and your kind comments. There are some great captions on that board.... and then there's mine. --Mark Wilson
Troompa Loompa Vote score: 23502Troompa Loompa


  For when you need to answer the call of nature.

27/06/20 12:00:12

Many thanks everyone for your kind words and apologies to Rachel P and the others I sneaked ahead of at the last minute. 😊 --Troompa Loompa
James Lennox Vote score: 19071James Lennox


"What do you think Dave?"  "Well Sir, it looks like some sort of large grey box."

28/04/20 20:23:57

First off, I'd like to thank the Academy ... no but seriously, thanks to Chris for picking #3 (I too preferred it to my other), and kudos to Smuldo for being equal #1. Thanks also to Mr. Dome for his "BeeSI: Miami", which forced me to edit my ... --James Lennox
Vivvy En Vote score: 14390Vivvy En


  She can really hold her licker

11/04/20 8:13:29

Way hay! I'm starting to feel like a bit of a Captioneer now, need to work a bit on my consistency, lol. Thanks peeps, for all your votes and lovely comments. Thank you, Chris, for shining this here beacon of lightheartedness, where ... --Vivvy En
Troompa Loompa Vote score: 23502Troompa Loompa


  The Queen throws a leaving party for Harry and Meghan.

20/03/20 20:03:08

Thanks for all the kind words folks.Stay safe and happy captioning. --Troompa Loompa
The Wolf Vote score: 21909The Wolf


You think your job is depressing?  You wanna try working in the Snowman morgue.

11/03/20 8:00:13

Thank you very much for your votes and kind words. There were some great captions this month so feel very fortunate to win the top prize. I've always found a great and fun distraction from the otherwise stressful day to day of life. Th... --The Wolf
Stephen Bean Vote score: 42214Stephen Bean


  "Im afraid the mammogram machines broken down Mrs Brown, so Im just going to grab your tits and have a good ol squeeze."

26/02/20 12:00:54

I'd already decided if I won I wanted to use the money to help I've asked Chris if he might consider putting my winnings towards a second prize of £25 for Feb, and a second prize of £25 for March, and otherwise put it towards the c... --Stephen Bean
Karyn Harrison Vote score: 10982Karyn Harrison


"Looks like its just you and me now Ringo!"

23/02/20 20:45:45

Well done. You've still a bit to go to earn as much from a dead Beatle as Yoko. --Troompa Loompa
Charles Gilbert Vote score: 1457Charles Gilbert


  "No time for questions, just get on!"

26/01/20 21:58:13

Congratulations Charles. Excellent caption, although I've got some questions. No time for them? Ok then I'll just get on... with captioning. --Willie Johnson
Rachel P Vote score: 2304Rachel P


New flavour for Quality Street kept under armed guard

10/12/19 9:22:30

Congratulations Rachel. Is that a new flavor for Tubby Tustard by any chance. --Willie Johnson
Welsh Rarebit Vote score: 38815Welsh Rarebit


For your rise only

25/11/19 8:00:08

Thanks everyone for the comments and votes. November has been a very lucky month, winning 5 times on the lottery (grand total of £67.60!) and now on! --Welsh Rarebit
Chris Keegan Vote score: 14648Chris Keegan


Oh Jeeezus, that was a mistake drying off the puppies in the microwave...

08/10/19 8:24:53

A genuine laugh out loud moment for me. Well done, Chris. By the way, I've heard the RSPCA will be paying you a visit later. --Vivvy En
stone face Vote score: 10117stone face


" God damn Smithers, hurry it up. I must get to Lady Blithesworth soon.
And if I do get to her in this old, worn out, what's you call it, I'm going to.."

"Banger, sir."

"Steady on Smithers, it's our first date."

01/10/19 21:05:24

...and again - well done (well deserved!) :) --ant knee
Vivvy En Vote score: 14390Vivvy En


"Why are you upset...? I said 'I'd give you a ring from Cartier'."

03/09/19 13:31:20

Thanks to everyone for your kind comments and votes. I am reeling from the shock! To be in the captioners gallery is an accolade I truly never expected. I am honoured. A big thank you goes to Chris for providing this platform for us lovers of word... --Vivvy En
Michelle Purrington Vote score: 32Michelle Purrington


I dont mind this beer but I'm normally Intastellar

21/08/19 12:03:00

Has anyone else ever won the monthly prize with their first ever caption on Out of this world effort Michelle, well done. --James Lennox
Troompa Loompa Vote score: 23502Troompa Loompa


"Thanks for the prize, now open the till and put all the cash into this bag."

28/06/19 8:31:55

Thanks for all you kind words everyone.Thanks for the prize Chris, now open the drawer and put all the guns into this bag. :D --Troompa Loompa
The Wolf Vote score: 21909The Wolf


  No wonder my Nans in a wheelchair

18/06/19 20:00:13

Wow! I can't believe I've won, such a nice surprise! Thank you very much for the votes and kind words. Also thanks to Chris for picking the caption but most importantly for giving us the site! It's a privilege to be on the board and a pleasure ... --The Wolf
Welsh Rarebit Vote score: 38815Welsh Rarebit


Children should be seen and not blurred.

10/05/19 8:49:01

No ..that's exactly what I meant..I always propose to the monthly winner..and because am such a handsome bastard I just knew you'd say yes xx(PS I normally put in for a divorce once the fifty quid is spent.) --stone face
Vanessa  the Guesser Vote score: 22575Vanessa the Guesser


He's in for a shock. There's a conductor on board today.

27/04/19 12:09:49

I feel lucky to have won as I was up against some brilliant high scoring captions this month. Thank you for the votes, supervotes and kind comments!  --Vanessa the Guesser
Chris Keegan Vote score: 14648Chris Keegan


Reports are coming in stating Theresa May is back in Brussels making one last push to get a Brexit deal"

13/03/19 12:20:20

So that's why she had a sore throat.. --stone face
Vanessa  the Guesser Vote score: 22575Vanessa the Guesser


"You have 39 new messages."

11/02/19 12:01:55

Thank you for the votes and kind messages, they are much appreciated. Hope you all have a great weekend!  --Vanessa the Guesser
James Lennox Vote score: 19071James Lennox


Wash his hands hopefully.

22/01/19 8:22:17

Thanks Dave and everyone else. Chuffed to be on the board and loving the spirit of Will continue to represent the hobbits down here in NZ. Cheers all. --James Lennox
Welsh Rarebit Vote score: 38815Welsh Rarebit


Shark ingested daughters.

15/12/18 12:00:10

I'm over the moon! thanks everyone :-) I wish everyone a Happy New Year --Welsh Rarebit
Dave Bryan Vote score: 33827Dave Bryan


''If you buy ten packs, we'll throw in the towel.''

08/11/18 20:16:31

Many thanks for the kind comments. Looking at the quality of the previous winners, I'm delighted to now be one of them.The dosh will also come in useful. Next time my wife says ''Are you wasting your time doing those stupid captions again... --Dave Bryan
Mark England Vote score: 22721Mark England


"Sorry I grabbed you, Fido,  I thought it was my lipstick"

01/10/18 20:04:56

I'm absolutely thrilled. Thanks to everyone for the votes and kind comments  --Mark England
Vanessa  the Guesser Vote score: 22575Vanessa the Guesser


  The emperor strikes back.

20/09/18 8:05:14

I'm so excited to win! Thanks for the votes and comments. --Vanessa the Guesser
Tony Edwards Vote score: 40222Tony Edwards


"Has anyone handed in a left ear?"

08/08/18 12:26:52

"Nah, no one's left one 'ere." --John Glover
Stephen Paterson Vote score: 3480Stephen Paterson


This week on When Dogs Look Like Their Owners:  Piers Morgan.

18/07/18 0:32:15

Woof! Wasn't expecting that. Nice one Folks! --Stephen Paterson
Pete  Vote score: 18533Pete


It's unusual for a seagull to be scared of heights.

21/06/18 20:07:37

I couldn't wait to find out who posted this caption. Absolutely brilliant, Pete. :) --Pussy Galore
C CaMel Vote score: 15738C CaMel


"The toothbrush behind the sink was massive but I managed"

11/05/18 17:23:33

Thanks to Chris for the prize and thank you all for the kind comments! Biggest thanks to the poor bloke in the photo!Cheers all :D  --C CaMel
Welsh Rarebit Vote score: 38815Welsh Rarebit


"When I asked you to give me a quote for the damage...?"

08/04/18 8:36:55

Thanks everyone for your comments and votes :-) --Welsh Rarebit
stone face Vote score: 10117stone face


Gary was confident of his chances in this years novelty hat competition.

07/03/18 8:33:00

Hat off to you, stone face, great caption. --Pete
Troompa Loompa Vote score: 23502Troompa Loompa


"Oi mate! You're in the wrong quay."

11/02/18 21:07:10

Well done Troompa - you hit the right note with that one. --Vivvy En
John  Glover Vote score: 23223John Glover


Hover Kraft.

07/01/18 10:11:24

Thank you all for your kind remarks. I was just applying our craft.A huge thank you to Chris for keeping this site going. --John Glover
Pete  Vote score: 18533Pete


"Don't move, love...the reception is perfect now."

16/12/17 14:52:25

Congratulations Pete! I love your quirky sense of humour. :)  --Pussy Galore
Michael Winner Vote score: 25610Michael Winner


"How will I recognise you?"

09/11/17 20:34:07

Woo woo! Thanks for the comments and the votes everyone! --Michael Winner
Smuldo Vote score: 11761Smuldo


  "What the f*ck is PPI...?"

09/10/17 20:28:10

Smuldo has very kindly donated his prize toward the running of this site. Thanks and congrats again on a great caption.  --Chris Beach
C CaMel Vote score: 15738C CaMel


"Attention, this vehicle is versing!"

22/09/17 20:24:42

Hi All, totally chuffed to be picked! Thank you to Chris for a brilliant site and to all fellow captioneers for the hilarious captions which keep me coming back for more!  --C CaMel
Pussy Galore Vote score: 7065Pussy Galore


"We're trying to get him out of the habit. None of us dare yawn at home."

26/08/17 10:52:28

Wow, thanks everybody! I'm in the game for the laughs and never expected to win, and this isn't even my highest-scoring caption, so it's doubly surprising! I think this calls for a celebration (Pussy reaches for a tin of salmon, purring loudly... --Pussy Galore
Pete  Vote score: 18533Pete


Suitable for bottom feeders.

27/07/17 20:00:08

Thanks to everyone who voted (a special mention for John Glover) and also for the comments. I really appreciate it.  --Pete
Mr Dome  Vote score: 18212Mr Dome


Juan Carlos failed to draw any visitors for the world's largest horse

06/06/17 10:53:13

Congratulations, Mr. Dome. Funny caption. --Pete
Richard Burns Vote score: 375Richard Burns


This is the guy who always sits in front of me at the cinema.

22/05/17 17:20:45

Congratulations, Richard. The winner by a neck. --Pete
Jonathan Allsopp Vote score: 2803Jonathan Allsopp


Because Mrs Benson had been hiding under the bed at the time of the burglary, the line-up at Clacton police station was somewhat unusual.

17/04/17 8:35:16

Amazing. The comments mean a lot more than the 50. Very kind. May the silliness long continue!Thanks. --Jonathan Allsopp
Welsh Rarebit Vote score: 38815Welsh Rarebit


Camp David

27/03/17 20:00:36

Thanks for your votes and kind comments everyone. :-) --Welsh Rarebit
Dan Nicholls Vote score: 19730Dan Nicholls



03/02/17 8:01:14

Thanks all, I love this site and our little community - often cheers me up on a dull day. I bore my wife to tears with it, but it keeps me off the streets... --Dan Nicholls
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