super vote: ( left this week)
07/04/24 7:04:17
The Wizard of Lbs
28/06/14 19:01:15
20/05/23 7:01:40
♪ I chomped the sheriff, but I didn't chew the deputy. ♪
05/03/23 8:01:12
"Take a seat. The Doctor will see you shortly."
10/11/23 12:06:48
Del Monte Python
27/03/13 12:00:30
"Damn waiter messed my order up. I deliberately ordered a club sandwich."
27/03/23 7:05:27
"Curiosity does sound like an odd name for a goldfish."
17/04/21 11:05:16
Mocking bird
17/11/23 12:03:40
"You're home early."
28/03/21 11:01:21
23/07/24 11:03:29
All the Presidents Ken
30/03/24 8:04:24
"You know, Doc, I was a bit worried when you started mentioning something about atrophy."
11/03/24 8:06:42
"I knew I shouldn't have come in here after the Hulk."
01/07/19 11:03:05
"Halt! Who glows there?"
23/01/14 20:10:29
Cleanliness is next to dogliness.
01/06/24 7:01:34
Babar was now enjoying his new life thanks to the witness protection program.
01/02/24 8:01:18
"Aren't you boiling in those suits?"
09/10/23 19:04:53
Whatever floats your goats.
20/06/23 11:01:34
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it sink.
22/11/22 8:01:11
Bone Voyage
07/05/21 19:05:54
The Bird Watching Society was initially disappointed at the lack of owls. Then they spotted the tits.
14/03/19 8:07:51
Funny Farm
08/01/19 20:31:23
"Are we there, Yeti?"
21/08/18 7:03:52
A Nice Chair On Elm Street
25/09/14 19:13:32
"I can't wait to go sniffing around Uranus."
02/10/24 11:02:32
Wig Trouble in Little China
25/12/23 8:02:06
Memory bank
06/11/22 8:02:57
"Gotta admit, you had me feeling a little paranoid when you said you were gonna take me out earlier."
11/10/22 7:09:05
Frosty the Showman
06/04/21 7:11:29
Jack off all trades
05/02/19 20:04:15
The Grammar Police have been notified and will be on the scene shortly.
14/08/24 7:12:12
"What's the matter? You look like you got a latte on your mind."
27/03/24 8:15:35
"Not now, dear. I'm trying to hibernate."
13/12/23 20:02:29
Ale Order Bride
29/10/23 8:12:38
26/09/23 7:01:10
"It says: Verify you are human. Crap! How did they know?"
22/04/23 7:01:22
Farmed Forces
06/01/23 8:01:30
Best in Snow
14/07/22 19:05:35
"Quickly, check the cushions for some change. There's a toll booth coming up."
23/07/21 7:15:03
That was one bombshell the boys didn't mind seeing.
04/12/20 8:07:50
Nine Lives Matter
09/08/20 7:01:25
06/02/18 20:07:01
"If it's a Samsung, it should start sending smoke signals really soon."
09/10/17 19:06:30
"Careful now, we're entering hostel territory."
07/02/14 8:08:16
And that's why Stephen Hawking no longer likes touring in Florida.
01/09/13 7:22:08
Another One Bikes The Dust
04/01/13 12:07:43
"Damn. Looks like we're gonna have to call AA."
10/10/12 7:23:25
Dave was struggling to adjust to life in the Witness Protection Program.
26/11/24 8:06:04
Flight of the Living Dead
19/11/24 12:02:02
16/11/24 20:06:29
08/07/24 19:01:18
The Jungle Rook
22/12/23 21:09:42
Meals on Heels
29/06/23 7:07:16
Shark and Ride
24/03/23 8:01:25
"Tell the firing squad I'm almost ready."
29/11/22 20:09:18
"What? The weatherman said to dress for the mid 70's today."
22/04/21 19:09:13
"Mind if I crash at your place?"
28/11/20 12:01:25
Full Metal Jackass
11/05/20 7:00:26
Monty Python and the Holy Snail
20/04/20 11:00:47
20,000 Leaks Under the Sea
20/10/19 7:25:39
Naturally, there was a huge mix-up when Mr. Jackson had said there'd been a kid napping at school.
22/05/19 19:04:13
25/01/19 8:24:10
Ebunny & Ivory
07/04/15 19:02:31
"I had fun once. It was awful."
22/02/14 20:26:25
"Put that back! You know I'm lactose intolerant!"
21/07/13 19:12:23
A resting Officer.
02/02/13 20:15:25
"Where is this inner piece that the Buddha keeps talking about?"
02/10/12 19:12:26
"I came, I saw, I Concorde."
12/01/12 20:31:21
Catch Her In The Rye
05/01/12 11:01:11
"Here's the stuff. Don't tell anybody where you got it from."
11/07/14 19:00:21
"You know, I still don't think he's done yet."
01/04/14 19:00:57
Craving Ryan's Privates
13/08/13 19:05:47
Humpty Dumpty sat on a firewall.
16/06/13 19:23:01
Post-it Traumatic Stress Disorder
24/04/13 7:02:06
The Great Barrier Roof
07/12/12 20:04:25
Berried Alive
13/05/12 19:08:09
Head Zeppelin
26/10/24 7:01:38
Tragic Carpet Ride
28/08/24 19:02:06
"When this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're going to see some serious shit."
31/05/24 19:02:34
12/04/24 7:01:18
Ranch dressing
13/02/24 20:04:01
13/11/23 12:01:59
"Drinks are on the spouse."
26/08/23 7:01:53
"How did you manage to get such a realistic dog costume for your tarantula?"
20/04/23 19:05:58
The Crying Game
28/10/22 7:02:34
Lawn of the Dead
20/10/22 7:01:21
"I thought you claimed that you never test your makeup on animals."
20/01/21 12:07:55
Crop top
12/09/20 19:09:39
Peeky Blinders
16/08/20 7:03:06
50 Shades of Neigh
09/05/20 19:03:57
"A dentist, you say? After what happened to Cecil, you can forget about it, mate!"
01/08/15 19:04:17
"Not now, Thing!"
07/07/15 19:06:31
They both knew that it was most likely only ever going to be a whirlwind romance.
06/09/24 7:15:04
19/01/24 8:01:28
Drill sergeant
02/11/23 8:10:21
22/10/23 7:00:26
"If that doesn't kill the lice, then nothing will."
20/09/23 7:04:56
The Fast Supper
08/07/23 7:55:22
Ripe Guard
11/05/23 19:42:25
290 - 299 280 - 289 270 - 279 260 - 269 250 - 259 240 - 249 230 - 239 220 - 229 210 - 219 200 - 209 190 - 199 180 - 189 170 - 179 160 - 169 150 - 159 140 - 149 130 - 139 120 - 129 110 - 119 100 - 109 90 - 99 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69 50 - 59 40 - 49 30 - 39 20 - 29 10 - 19 1 - 9
Maybe, but at least you spelt "fluorescent" correctly, which gains you an awful lot of bonus points.
comment on caption: "You should've never denied my friend request." [Hercules Rockefeller]
Yes the,administrators will be most pleased 😁
Crocodile Rock
comment on caption: ♪ We're gonna rock around the croc tonight. ♪ [Hercules Rockefeller]
I'm here!
comment on caption: The Grammar Police have been notified and will be on the scene shortly. [Hercules Rockefeller]
They had to find some use for the Leg-Warmers of the Eighties.
comment on caption: "I had to stop doing Face Time Yoga. It was getting weird." [Hercules Rockefeller]
A room full of... 'Yogi Pairs.'
Neighbors are incensed.
comment on caption: "Are we electing a new Pope already?" [Hercules Rockefeller]
You went bust?
comment on caption: "We had to scrap the rest of her for some quick cash." [Hercules Rockefeller]
How about just turning it off
comment on caption: "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" [Hercules Rockefeller]
Dave's Collision Insurance... de'Duct ible.
comment on caption: "You should see what the other car looks like." [Hercules Rockefeller]
Maybe, but at least you spelt "fluorescent" correctly, which gains you an awful lot of bonus points.
comment on caption:
"You should've never denied my friend request." [Hercules Rockefeller]
Yes the,administrators will be most pleased 😁
comment on caption:
"You should've never denied my friend request." [Hercules Rockefeller]
Crocodile Rock
comment on caption:
♪ We're gonna rock around the croc tonight. ♪ [Hercules Rockefeller]
I'm here!
comment on caption:
The Grammar Police have been notified and will be on the scene shortly. [Hercules Rockefeller]
They had to find some use for the Leg-Warmers of the Eighties.
comment on caption:
"I had to stop doing Face Time Yoga. It was getting weird." [Hercules Rockefeller]
A room full of... 'Yogi Pairs.'
comment on caption:
"I had to stop doing Face Time Yoga. It was getting weird." [Hercules Rockefeller]
Neighbors are incensed.
comment on caption:
"Are we electing a new Pope already?" [Hercules Rockefeller]
You went bust?
comment on caption:
"We had to scrap the rest of her for some quick cash." [Hercules Rockefeller]
How about just turning it off
comment on caption:
"Have you tried turning it off and on again?" [Hercules Rockefeller]
Dave's Collision Insurance... de'Duct ible.
comment on caption:
"You should see what the other car looks like." [Hercules Rockefeller]