super vote: ( left this week)
Stool pigeon
02/07/12 19:00:17
Have you seen the new Eddie Murphy trailer?
04/04/12 10:00:08
90 degrees by the pool.
25/03/12 19:00:21
The Wheel's On The Bust....
18/05/12 10:00:27
Braking and Entering.
23/04/12 10:00:12
“This service is suspended until further notice”
25/10/22 19:16:50
Snap, Crackle and Pup.
04/09/15 8:26:50
"Anything you spray may be taken down and used as evidence against you."
31/10/11 11:00:11
It's a sex life Jim, but not as we know it.
15/04/12 10:02:23
One thing LED to another....
17/11/11 20:02:04
Tease maid.
25/10/11 19:00:16
Braking and entering
23/10/22 21:04:43
Mystery virus affects trunks and branches, then leaves.
18/07/18 11:11:18
02/08/15 19:07:15
Feline Groovy
09/05/12 10:01:33
But do they have Red Bush?
27/10/11 19:00:47
Winners of the Eurovision Thong Contest.
27/05/12 10:19:52
Auld Lang's Sign
17/05/12 10:00:25
"Looks like you've got the same jeans as me."
11/05/12 10:04:03
Ken's taste in wallpaper was quite Conservative.
06/05/12 19:01:34
"Nothing much on Sickipedia to do with this photo," reported spokesman.
05/05/12 19:13:15
Quick....they're going fast.
08/04/12 19:00:13
07/11/11 20:01:55
iPod Nana.
15/09/11 10:01:02
The great thing about the new variant of bird flu; you can tell who’s got it .
20/09/22 19:12:08
"Because you're worth it"
13/03/16 9:20:01
Recently widowed, she consoled herself.
09/09/15 8:36:46
Pat finally succumbed to peer pressure.
30/06/15 19:01:36
Zoe Ball needs new sign to keep her Fatboy Slim.
28/06/15 11:27:17
23/06/15 11:51:24
Sacha Barrel Cohen
16/07/15 7:04:57
"Get the tube map up, we're supposed to be at Liverpool Street not Sesame Street."
09/05/12 19:00:33
"The wife's reading annoyed me, so I gave her the boot."
19/03/12 20:00:32
Despite their education, Rupert and Sebastian never understood girls and their cycles.
28/09/11 10:03:42
One would assume he has an incredibly small penis.
22/07/18 11:23:16
It seemed like a good idea, but unfortunately it backfired.
11/03/16 20:45:28
06/07/12 19:07:53
Forrest Rump.
06/07/12 10:02:34
Morecambe and Eyes.
26/04/12 10:06:55
Apparently the Frogs call it a Ménage à Trois.
09/04/12 10:10:13
05/11/11 11:00:20
"I'm not paying. Put it on the tabby."
28/10/11 19:15:29
Sadly, it had been years since he was laid.
20/09/11 10:44:21
"Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world's first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better...stronger...faster. But we can't do heads."
03/07/12 19:17:35
A Damien Thirst.
31/05/12 10:12:58
Jerry got plastered at the 19th hole.
21/04/12 10:54:27
Hide and squeak
11/03/12 20:00:17
While my guitar gently weeps.
07/03/12 20:00:27
"Mirror, Mirror on the wall who is the furriest one of all?"
25/11/11 11:00:22
A reptile dysfunction.
22/11/11 20:01:09
10/07/15 19:03:28
New tractor-check. Wedding- check.Next job.. fertiliser
10/09/22 7:26:43
I think it's coming; Alpaca bag.
22/07/15 19:00:20
It's a long time since I've seen so many branches of Woolies.
13/04/12 19:00:50
"This week I 'ave mostly been eating rust."
12/04/12 10:09:39
It takes one shot Tequila rabbit.
05/04/12 19:01:00
It wasn't Apache on his last place.
01/04/12 10:01:41
Strained eyes.
28/03/12 19:00:21
Ice cream tubs.
10/03/12 11:00:15
"Why do you call him Tiny?""Because he's my newt"
22/11/11 20:00:09
AKA 'The Kernel'
20/11/11 11:00:31
Club 18-30FF
14/10/11 19:03:38
Beachy Ed
03/10/11 10:01:21
Since finding ab-duct tape Jim found it easier to keep his girlfriends.
30/09/11 10:02:18
Faith's friends gathered to see her famous leap.
14/09/11 10:00:28
US officials recruited to hunt for Gaddafi Duck.
10/09/11 10:33:20
I really love this architect's work but I didn't see this one coming.
26/01/16 8:11:55
Bush tucker trial improved by Tandoori marinade.
09/08/15 7:16:00
Great way to travel, but what if I lose my bearings?
28/06/15 9:17:00
*Sarge, I've got him he's failed the polygraph "'
27/06/15 19:16:48
" You bloody's your wedding day, you weren't supposed to wear that kind of penguin suit"
24/06/15 21:05:37
10/05/12 10:00:16
When collecting purchases from IKEA , first check you've got all the legs.
23/04/12 19:00:39
29/03/12 19:00:26
Pizza captions are all about the delivery.
18/11/11 11:06:16
♫ Radio Ga-Ga, Radio Goo-Goo ♫
14/11/11 20:01:53
Cheek bones
13/11/11 11:25:12
"Holy Jesus Mother of God! There's Kitty!""So who's in the bloody coffin then?"
09/11/11 20:02:39
07/11/11 20:01:24
"This will stop you licking your balls Mr Hamilton."
07/10/11 10:00:58
The minx with the hole
02/10/11 10:05:28
It's draining men.
01/10/11 10:34:18
"Daddy, if you don't play properly I'll tell Mummy everything."
30/08/11 10:21:16
Relax know we only get gravy bones if we sit still.
23/11/22 8:42:43
He was very grateful for their kind hospitality; he’d been sat on the neighbour’s doorstep for a month.
22/11/22 20:44:09
“Okay, okay ... I absolutely promise not to piss on your herbs, but please remove the cuffs”
07/11/22 8:00:29
The best bit about floral sex was his beard.
19/09/22 11:00:38
First pictures of Trump's personal gift to Putin, perfect for Russian winters, a willy warmer made from his own pubes.
17/07/18 19:19:24
Barry was definitely shitting himself, but at least there would be no skid marks.
16/07/18 19:36:51
Outdoor Jim
26/03/16 20:02:31
Held in captivity.
24/10/15 11:16:49
09/08/15 12:10:31
Old age sucks.
09/09/12 10:46:44
"I heard they were just after his lolly".
12/07/12 10:03:45
Mayor dreams come blue.
06/05/12 19:00:23
Heely Bin
04/05/12 19:10:34
Snatch of the Day
01/05/12 19:00:35
Maid in Heaven.
25/04/12 19:02:07
Never ever tell your girl that she needs a shave.
18/04/12 19:03:06
A Francis Bacon?
30/03/12 19:00:40
54 - 63 44 - 53 34 - 43 24 - 33 14 - 23 4 - 13 1 - 3
This caption is fake news, it can't be from his pubes -- he has none to spare, they've all been transplanted to his head.
comment on caption: First pictures of Trump's personal gift to Putin, perfect for Russian winters, a willy warmer made from his own pubes. [Ethy] fun without the buoys.
comment on caption: Bored game [Ethy]
He's got a lot of balls to ride it.
comment on caption: One would assume he has an incredibly small penis. [Ethy]
And the beardtongue.
comment on caption: The best bit about floral sex was his beard. [Ethy]
It's often misdiagnosed as psittacosis.
comment on caption: The great thing about the new variant of bird flu; you can tell who’s got it . [Ethy]
Just looking through your pics and this one cracked me up Ethy. Xxxxx
comment on caption: "Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world's first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better...stronger...faster. But we can't do heads." [Ethelia Fotherington-Smythe]
Have to admit this is a recycled caption of mine .... but hitherto that seems to be okay, intellectual property and that :)
comment on caption: Braking and entering [Ethy]
🎶 Alive and Skipping 🎶
comment on caption: Simple things please simple minds [Ethy]
You've just made me realise what a genocidal dish chicken omelette is.
comment on caption: Chicken omelette...deconstructed. [Ethy]
Sorry Capt Auth, just noticed my theme dupe a minute or so after your caption. Have edited mine now.
comment on caption: 3c.... How to wash your underwear after embarrassing accidents. [Ethy]
This caption is fake news, it can't be from his pubes -- he has none to spare, they've all been transplanted to his head.
comment on caption:
First pictures of Trump's personal gift to Putin, perfect for Russian winters, a willy warmer made from his own pubes. [Ethy] fun without the buoys.
comment on caption:
Bored game [Ethy]
He's got a lot of balls to ride it.
comment on caption:
One would assume he has an incredibly small penis. [Ethy]
And the beardtongue.
comment on caption:
The best bit about floral sex was his beard. [Ethy]
It's often misdiagnosed as psittacosis.
comment on caption:
The great thing about the new variant of bird flu; you can tell who’s got it . [Ethy]
Just looking through your pics and this one cracked me up Ethy. Xxxxx
comment on caption:
"Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world's first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better...stronger...faster.
But we can't do heads." [Ethelia Fotherington-Smythe]
Have to admit this is a recycled caption of mine .... but hitherto that seems to be okay, intellectual property and that :)
comment on caption:
Braking and entering [Ethy]
🎶 Alive and Skipping 🎶
comment on caption:
Simple things please simple minds [Ethy]
You've just made me realise what a genocidal dish chicken omelette is.
comment on caption:
Chicken omelette...deconstructed. [Ethy]
Sorry Capt Auth, just noticed my theme dupe a minute or so after your caption. Have edited mine now.
comment on caption:
3c.... How to wash your underwear after embarrassing accidents. [Ethy]