super vote: ( left this week)
The Old Grey Squirrel Test
13/01/13 12:02:55
Captian is that the Forth bridge you have crashed into.No its the first one.
09/10/22 9:20:58
Cabinet reshuffle
22/08/13 19:01:48
You will get more off if you use Clubcard.
24/10/22 11:46:35
Whats this button for.
25/04/19 11:07:25
I was born and bread in this street
05/03/19 12:10:15
Bob the builder can he fix it?NO
22/10/22 17:46:21
She shouldn't.have used Floora.
21/02/17 20:32:05
How can it get worse.The mother in ln law is staying
02/12/22 13:21:53
Its ok lads, just remembered i forgot to put money in the electric meter.
08/10/22 12:33:07, edited: 09/10/22 9:24:11
Better not eat this it has Sam n Ella.
28/05/19 12:18:45
Emperor strikes back
07/10/22 7:29:52
18/06/19 9:05:33
He plays like his father he is a chip off the old block
04/08/12 9:02:27
Now you see me now you cant
16/12/11 11:05:36
Not very appealing.
24/10/22 8:40:41
Brian,Dont be a cheap skate, just pay someone to clean the grass from the gutters.
04/10/22 8:02:10
Thanks for helping , the toaster not working.
15/05/19 10:51:49
Now do you believe me, when i said the fish was off.
01/05/19 10:01:44
I bet the company who printed the t-shirt went bust.
17/01/19 20:34:17
Square Meal.
17/10/22 15:29:08
30/03/19 12:53:14
My TomTom satnav is good, it said bear left.
22/01/19 13:52:08
Cat Scan.
14/01/19 13:47:24
I mustache you a question
18/12/18 9:25:23
Ministry of silly photographers
11/07/15 20:30:48
Number crunching
18/01/13 12:05:51
Can you remember when we done the Scotch vhs tape advert.
23/10/22 17:32:05
Back to back, episodes of the Simpsons
09/10/22 12:02:33
Brian had his first bustup with his son.
06/10/22 11:53:03
This party is terrible, where is the escape button.
19/10/19 12:28:16
Theresa may, gets revenge on cabinet.
23/06/19 21:44:43
If i bite this mushroom, hope i don't shrink again.
12/05/19 11:19:21
Forget about all this fancy champagne, i fancy a birdwiser.
15/03/19 12:03:30
Look you owe me 5p.
14/03/19 20:41:46
Don't know what he is smiling about, he only comes once a year.
21/12/18 11:10:42
Hi i have managed to get to the uk, it has cost me the shirt off my back, and trousers
12/02/17 12:04:31
Full steam ahead
25/08/13 19:04:57
Thats the last time i get aftershave mixed up with baby bio
10/01/13 15:06:41
Ground head-day
09/01/13 12:37:59
Baby grow
02/01/13 21:25:58
Nessing about in the water
22/08/12 12:39:13
Head count
18/01/12 19:16:14
Dave was trying to peddle his surf board
30/05/14 9:24:09
That new pc support I bought is brilliant
15/08/13 19:29:46
15/08/12 11:52:39
He used to be one off the chippendales
04/08/12 9:17:13
03/01/12 16:11:58
Bikers groove.
15/11/22 9:18:04
Its just a fad, hairtoday going tomorrow.
10/10/22 8:05:21
Iam glad we entered the winalot dog food competition.
29/09/22 8:43:32
One minute , i am looking for the hand dryer.
21/10/19 12:33:56
Hi you have forgot the mains extension cable.
24/06/19 19:03:42
Gromit lad, i told you not to take the bottom cheese.
21/06/19 13:09:52
The team was short of money instead off flipping a coin at the beginning of the game they used a player.
07/06/19 12:57:17
Like all politicians full of hot air.
05/06/19 11:52:48
Three good Knights on the tiles.
23/05/19 11:51:15
I had a negative experience when i went there.
30/04/19 8:26:41
With all that water hope he is wearing drainpipe trousers.
27/04/19 11:45:50
'That's All Folks!'
22/04/19 19:39:01
Sue was a stick in the mud.
11/03/19 20:01:27
She was always a stick in the mud.
06/01/19 12:08:15
Must be a Euro-pee-in duck.
29/03/17 20:35:52
Don't know all the fuss about a photograph of a goat on a surf board, you get board kids everywhere.
25/02/17 13:32:19
Using the steps keeps your body in tune.
07/02/17 12:16:33
When I grow up I want to be like you
27/06/15 13:58:27
Shut the door it is freezing in the kitchen.
04/12/22 18:12:56
Next prime minister please move forward
28/11/22 19:19:03
Jimmy was not drunk, in a few seconds he was legless.
14/11/22 11:19:42
Dave and Cat and Rimmer , had a birthday present for Kryten.
05/11/22 9:27:35, edited: 05/11/22 15:50:44
Resistance is futile, you will eat me.
17/10/22 9:18:15, edited: 17/10/22 13:30:28
There will be catastrophic consequences, if you give your cat a gun.
05/10/22 8:16:24
Pointer sister.
02/10/22 19:06:51
Steve felt a little light headed
30/09/22 8:35:31
It's a Grey.
comment on caption: The Old Grey Squirrel Test [Lawrence Day]
HiThought it was red thanks
old grey works better too.Reds are smaller, much cuter and have tufty ears. Attenborough Mode off.
needs an 'r'
comment on caption: Using the steps keeps your body in tune. [Lawrence Day]
Thanks Have changed
It's a Grey.
comment on caption:
The Old Grey Squirrel Test [Lawrence Day]
Thought it was red thanks
comment on caption:
The Old Grey Squirrel Test [Lawrence Day]
old grey works better too.
Reds are smaller, much cuter and have tufty ears. Attenborough Mode off.
comment on caption:
The Old Grey Squirrel Test [Lawrence Day]
needs an 'r'
comment on caption:
Using the steps keeps your body in tune. [Lawrence Day]
Have changed
comment on caption:
Using the steps keeps your body in tune. [Lawrence Day]