"It's not thin or even a lizard." [Willie Johnson] "Neither is Thin Lizzy." [caption author] "Fair enough. Here's a vote."[Willie Johnson] --Willie Johnson
Thanks for the INFO, James... I never heard of the term 'moobs' before. I only knew Gynecomastia from working at a Medical Clinic. I JUST looked it up to see if you were pulling my leg... and it did indeed say another word for Gynecomastia was Moobs. Learn Something NEW, EVERY DAY.
Thanks Kathleen. You've given far more thought to the caption than I clearly didn't!!
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Dober Man [Julia Kinsey]
LOL... Don't Mention It!
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Dober Man [Julia Kinsey]
Kathleen: According to the 35th edition of Ostentatious Medical Terminology, the technical term is "Moobs".

Cap Auth: You could go with 'Dober Mam', but I don't think it matters. These days gender is much harder to identify than dog breeds
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Dober Man [Julia Kinsey]
Thanks for the INFO, James... I never heard of the term 'moobs' before. I only knew Gynecomastia from working at a Medical Clinic.
I JUST looked it up to see if you were pulling my leg... and it did indeed say another word for Gynecomastia was Moobs. Learn Something NEW, EVERY DAY.
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Dober Man [Julia Kinsey]
"You Catch more Flies with 'Honey' than you do with "Vinegar." MANNERS Rule!
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You wiener some, You lose some… [Julia Kinsey]
"Could have, Would have... Should have."
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I wish I’d chosen strawberry in heinzsight [Julia Kinsey]
"We want to be Punished, Santa... give us all the "Coal," you've got...
'Lining our Eyes,' costs a Fortune."
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"Now tell me what you want what you really really want..." [Julia Kinsey]
I already gave it a point, but might read better at Tinselitis... not Tinselits.
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We’ve all caught tinselitis [Julia Kinsey]
Thanks. I’ve caught fat finger syndrome….
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We’ve all caught tinselitis [Julia Kinsey]
They were a Souvenir from Pebble Beach... pretty, but painful.
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Wearing these was a gravel mistake [Julia Kinsey]