super vote: ( left this week)
Portaloo, couldn't escape if I wanted to.
09/07/12 19:00:21
Not exactly what I had in mind when I ordered the deep pan.
10/11/12 23:24:39
Excuse me while I just pop out for a little Hand Solo.
03/08/14 19:19:59
Unlike most I.T. Geeks, Eddie had actually been laid.
16/06/13 21:05:37
Jeff's nuts roasting on an open fire.
10/03/15 12:00:37
The new BBC test card could only be shown after 9pm.
14/07/14 8:15:05
Action Man had trouble explaining to his superiors why he got captured so often.
26/10/12 8:56:07
"I don't care how much you love it, we're getting rid of that bloody cat."
12/10/12 12:22:07
13/06/13 7:02:17
Rather than swim the channel, Dave thought it would be easier to take the tunnel.
20/06/12 13:18:41
Kellogg's All Brain
30/05/17 19:07:03
Surprisingly, 4 year old Jodie won the sand sculpture competition.
19/03/15 12:29:24
The terrorist attack was blamed on Summer Bed Linen.
16/07/14 7:17:37
With his hands thrust deep in his pockets, Alan came quietly.
20/06/13 13:57:05
08/09/12 9:58:17
Woody found it difficult to cope after the Toy Story series ended.
06/09/12 11:42:29
In front the car a Toy-Yoda is.
03/08/14 8:15:49
Scary Poppins
31/07/14 8:37:03
Terry's all gold.
14/04/14 11:43:08
"Don't worry, that always happens when people see me so I come prepared."
06/11/12 9:38:35
"Nein, I vas here first. Go und find your own sunbed."
04/09/12 11:07:27
House warming party.
08/06/12 10:50:13
It took Ben a while to realise the chimney had collapsed.
25/05/17 13:43:39
Car driver: "Special K! I forgot the Special K, dammit."
14/07/15 8:05:15
Cop scotch
08/05/15 11:08:38
Too many face lifts had left Gary's scrotum in a most unfortunate place.
18/02/15 8:21:49
Danny wins The Hunt For Red October
02/12/12 8:42:52
Tom realised he was drunk when the wall he thought he was hanging onto for dear life turned out to be the pavement.
08/11/12 8:04:02
How The NatWest Was Won
14/10/12 7:07:17
Parking fine? That's very kind of you to say so.
22/09/12 7:28:39
Innitial attempts by the BBC film crew to infiltrate the sealion colony were unsuccessful.
19/09/12 21:39:53
Flushing Meadows
02/09/12 7:37:19
08/08/12 18:32:39
Again, the British pole vaulter ended up nowhere.
02/08/12 10:58:49
"Actually its a miracle he was born at all. My husband and I nearly started a fire."
05/05/15 9:48:18
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. If you look out of the right hand side of the plane, that's me waving with the parachute and walkie talkie."
27/04/15 13:56:58
Top things for a gynaecologist to never do - #1
03/04/15 14:33:15
02/04/15 20:19:40
The infamous Ballamory 'bar fight' episode.
05/03/15 9:18:31
Nutcracker suit
19/02/15 11:04:53
A ram with a view.
24/07/14 10:22:45
The protesters marched 500 miles and then they marched 500 more.
16/04/14 7:19:28
Battery Ken
13/11/12 20:11:34
"Jesus, this is good shit. I swear you were dead and buried a couple of days ago."
11/11/12 20:13:46
DAF Vader
14/10/12 11:07:48
Rabid response unit.
10/09/12 19:43:07
The games on "Hole In The Wall" were definitely getting tougher.
10/09/12 8:30:23
Fright attendants.
08/08/12 10:04:34
Although Carl's wife understood how much he loved working at the abattoir, she wished he wouldn't keep bringing his work home with him.
29/07/14 12:11:51
Lash test dummy
25/07/14 7:04:57
Doris put her Stannah stair lift settings too high.
24/11/12 20:12:16
Deep seed diver
11/11/12 8:26:39
The doctor decided the illness was all in Tim's head.
09/11/12 8:26:11
Broke Mac Mountain
17/09/12 7:26:00
Sharon knew this relationship could only go safari.
10/09/12 12:12:37
Gin Fight At The OK Corral
06/09/12 11:55:06
The dangers of cooking with a deep, fat friar.
01/08/12 22:11:32
"Whaddya think? Handbag too much?"
30/06/12 19:17:37
Food for thought.
30/05/17 19:03:01
Of all the friends, Kevin Bacon was the only one who went on to have a successful career.
08/04/16 19:44:45
Cat litter
20/07/15 9:01:13
07/05/15 11:30:17
In Amsterdam cafes, no tern is left unstoned.
07/05/15 8:57:23
What's tiny and hangs out your pants?
28/04/15 12:46:47
Suspect photographed running from the scene of the previous photo.
01/04/15 7:45:31
Nintendo's first Gameboy, circa 1953.
10/03/15 12:03:01
Terror wrist attack
27/05/15 22:20:24
Kim was waiting to be de-floured.
06/05/15 19:05:15
Traffic patrowl
07/04/15 11:48:12
Sofa king tired.
03/03/15 20:00:17
Prowed to be gay.
15/02/15 21:48:45
Freeze a jolly good fellow.
16/12/12 9:43:12
Balfour Beatty admit it may have been a mistake getting Jean Paul Gaultier to design their new workwear.
10/12/12 8:48:01
When Daisy eventually made it as a show cow and regular on Emerdale, her early career photos would come back to haunt her ... but she was young, she needed the money.
01/12/12 17:39:15
The Tin Man was well oiled.
13/11/12 8:01:41
"Damn you, Red Bull, you're supposed to give me wings."
30/09/12 7:55:37
"Do you want fries with that?"
17/09/12 11:03:26
"We're gonna need a bigger cat."
31/08/12 19:28:19
Son off a beach
05/08/12 10:07:43
The Lord is my German Shepherd...
01/08/12 10:24:26
Technically speaking, Bill's wife was right - the car was in the garage.
10/07/12 19:02:58
"Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to remember where you live and try to get there before you wet yourself. This message will self destruct in 5 seconds."
01/07/12 18:30:15
Truck killed flatty puss
19/06/12 11:02:42
Lily always wanted a little brother. This one would do.
06/06/17 13:42:17
Gang, Nan style.
29/06/15 17:42:31
Jungle gym
18/03/15 12:52:31
"Hello, is that the Steinway dealership? I'd like to order a grand piano for delivery please."
17/03/15 9:07:28
Quick, trash the place - Tracy Emin is coming for coffee.
13/03/15 12:47:16
Morph bookends out of stock.
28/02/15 20:23:45
10/02/15 12:01:27
The Retropolitan Police
04/02/15 8:00:31
"Wheel meat again," thought the shark.
01/02/15 13:18:31
The costume hid The Flash's secret identity but it couldn't hide his religion.
18/07/14 14:04:36
The Michael Jackson tribute act went a bit too far.
17/06/13 19:07:15
"Why yes, how did you know I was Brazilian?"
13/12/12 9:31:19
A boxful of Things
14/11/12 12:19:42
A keen bird spotter, Derek was looking for a Great Shag but it turned out to be just another Common Seagirl.
01/11/12 10:19:55
Maureen generally bought wine by the litter.
27/09/12 12:40:05
Heinz release their new 'diet' range.
27/09/12 8:41:37
Dave's car was fully kitted out.
20/04/16 19:30:14
61 - 70 51 - 60 41 - 50 31 - 40 21 - 30 11 - 20 1 - 10 1 - 0
but it looks like she was well prepared..
comment on caption: Doris put her Stannah stair lift settings too high. [D C]
Haha, brilliant!
comment on caption: And with one careless slip of the chisel, Rodin's coat hook turned into a decorative plaque. [D C]
Is the performer or the girl saying this? Here's a vote if the girl is saying it.
comment on caption: "Damn, missed! Damn, missed! Damn, missed...!" [D C]
I voted for this - but just to be clear only for the caption - each to their own is my motto
comment on caption: Prowed to be gay. [D C]
Ahhhhh "sofa king" those were the days.
comment on caption: Sofa king tired. [D C]
That's very good - i've just used my last comment star before I saw this.
comment on caption: Love blossomed in the baking tent - he offered her his cream and she offered him her flower. [D C]
whats the #1 some kind of code!!
comment on caption: Top things for a gynaecologist to never do - #1 [D C]
It might hang out of yours.
comment on caption: What's tiny and hangs out your pants? [D C]
Or an arse kicking contest
comment on caption: Cop scotch [D C]
he'll be ages insecurity
comment on caption: "Do you think he has a lot of baggage?""Well, yes - he murdered all the young Jedi trainees in cold blood, tortured his daughter and cut his son's hand off." [D C]
but it looks like she was well prepared..
comment on caption:
Doris put her Stannah stair lift settings too high. [D C]
Haha, brilliant!
comment on caption:
And with one careless slip of the chisel, Rodin's coat hook turned into a decorative plaque. [D C]
Is the performer or the girl saying this? Here's a vote if the girl is saying it.
comment on caption:
"Damn, missed! Damn, missed! Damn, missed...!" [D C]
I voted for this - but just to be clear only for the caption - each to their own is my motto
comment on caption:
Prowed to be gay. [D C]
Ahhhhh "sofa king" those were the days.
comment on caption:
Sofa king tired. [D C]
That's very good - i've just used my last comment star before I saw this.
comment on caption:
Love blossomed in the baking tent - he offered her his cream and she offered him her flower. [D C]
whats the #1 some kind of code!!
comment on caption:
Top things for a gynaecologist to never do - #1 [D C]
It might hang out of yours.
comment on caption:
What's tiny and hangs out your pants? [D C]
Or an arse kicking contest
comment on caption:
Cop scotch [D C]
he'll be ages insecurity
comment on caption:
"Do you think he has a lot of baggage?"
"Well, yes - he murdered all the young Jedi trainees in cold blood, tortured his daughter and cut his son's hand off." [D C]