lol creative clever

super vote: ( left this week)

now click a caption or

last comments (total: 6)

Great idea. Provide a relevant backstory to the photo source material rather than just a superficial image to make fun of and see how people react. If someone has happily uploaded an image, then I'm sure that they have the consent of any individual that appears within and that they're game for a laugh, as I'd expect with any photo on here.


Spot on Glyn, at least this caption has resulted in a very funny caption on this afternoons picture.


Unfortunately there may be members of the Jewish community who are very familiar with pictures of Yitzhak Ganon whose photo has appeared in numerous articles. The intent of this caption was to avoid any captions that might have caused anyone unintentional offence and thereby save the website from potential problems. I'm happy to delete the caption if permission to use the photo has been obtained from the photographer although perhaps Yitzhak himself should also be asked. I'm sorry if it made captioning the photo harder, but I think some great captioneers have stepped up to the challenge and produced some great captions on this as well as the lunchtime photo. In future anyone researching articles using this widely used image will also be able to view all these captions with a simple google image search.

(caption author)

I welcome this warning, and it means we can avoid any captions that are racially offensive in the context of this particular photo. I am considering enabling photo commenting/downvoting (for all members) in future so that we can note things like this during the photo voting process. Doing so will help avoid sensitive photos entering the competition altogether.


And we've got the forum in the meantime where captioneers can post a warning about any inappropriate photos in "Next Photo" area.


Good point Troompa, I never thought about putting a comment in the forum although I don't know how many people would have looked in time. I can certainly do that next time and save my quota for creativity.

(caption author)

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