lol creative clever

super vote: ( left this week)

now click a caption or

be kind to thy fellow captioneer...

...Especially ones who vote a lot. (Anyone else notice how devilishly handsome Chris Beach's smile is?)

Make a kind effort to avoid using the "add comment" to give scathing reviews or pass critical judgment... If a caption doesn't tickle your fancy, simply pass over it. One is certainly entitled to their opinions but it is with congenial tact to keep the nasty ones within the privacy of the home. As Thumper's father once taught us, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."

I understand this is a competitive site, which is a great part of the allure, though I truly believe it's primary objective is to be fun and amicable for all. ☺☻☺

comment one comment
written by SHA SHA
03/01/11 6:05pm

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