lol creative clever

super vote: ( left this week)

now click a caption or

last comments (total: 3)

There are 2 other captions almost identical to this and it's happening more often, even when it's pointed out.


also a bit weird it is the only caption that suddenly receives a Lol, Creative & Clever vote out of nowhere within 24hrs...Chris?


As the caption author, I must admit I was a bit surprised to see the caption "footographer" come up after mine. This copying of ideas has been happening too regularly recently, without any reference or nod to the original caption. It has certainly stopped me from contributing as much to the site. I don't believe that the excuse "I didn't see it" is really enough justification. In regard to the LOL, Creative and Clever supervotes, I can only assume that someone has added these to make a point and give the original caption more exposure. LeroyBrown


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