lol creative clever

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last comments (total: 3)

My favourite caption of the week, excellent! But I'm aware that Google hammers the site's advertising revenue if there are swear words at the top entry, so could I ask a favour please? Would it be possible to add an asterisk to replace the 'u', so it reads f*cking? I normally hate censorship of any kind, but in this case I don't think it will diminish the inherent comedy of the caption. Either way is fine, and Chris hasn't asked me to do this, so it's down to your judgement, cheers, Michael :)


Wasn't aware of that Michael - thanks for the heads up and of course censorship applied!

(caption author)

Thanks! If I had any supervotes, you'd get all of them :)

(edit: Woo woo, I got a supervote!)


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