lol creative clever

super vote: ( left this week)

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C CaMel Vote score: 17541C CaMel

Scuta Diving

Sun 23:06:45

Greg Curtis Vote score: 9414Greg Curtis


Sun 22:06:12

Greg Curtis Vote score: 9414Greg Curtis

Gone with the Schwinn

(Nod to Kermit.)

Sun 22:03:07

Greg Curtis Vote score: 9414Greg Curtis

"They bought me this 'underwater bike'—after I survived the parachuting."

Sun 22:01:21

Greg Curtis Vote score: 9414Greg Curtis

"Ready, wet, go!"

Sun 21:57:55

Johnny Goode Vote score: 391Johnny Goode


Sun 21:24:20

Johnny Goode Vote score: 391Johnny Goode

They were STALKING him...

Sun 21:16:22

Johnny Goode Vote score: 391Johnny Goode


Sun 21:12:31

Kathleen Ralph Vote score: 1684Kathleen Ralph

Jacques Goo'steau.

Sun 20:58:22, edited: Mon 14:48:05

Neil Mackenzie Vote score: 15608Neil Mackenzie

He’s knot going very fast.

Sun 20:30:23

Ian Searle Vote score: 3107Ian Searle

Bugs Bukaka

Sun 20:30:01, edited: Sun 20:30:09

Ian Searle Vote score: 3107Ian Searle

Nirvana's follow up album to Nevermind.

Sun 20:28:48

Jo Vote score: 2710Jo

🎵 The ride is high 🎵

Sun 20:25:37

Tony S Vote score: 11214Tony S

Scuber delivery rider.

Sun 20:24:45

Tony Edwards Vote score: 41216Tony Edwards

As hard as he tried, little Jimmy couldn't out-pedal the tsunami.

Sun 20:23:16

tony kelly Vote score: 2288tony kelly


Sun 20:18:12

Glyn Evans Vote score: 12846Glyn Evans

"I find sweating so much saves me from smelling the BO"

Sun 20:17:01

Jo Vote score: 2710Jo

Victoria Pondleton

Sun 20:15:31

Stephen Bean Vote score: 46647Stephen Bean

"I'm teaching my son to handle bars of pressure."

Sun 20:13:16

Scrijjy Doo Vote score: 14915Scrijjy Doo


Sun 20:13:12

Tony S Vote score: 11214Tony S

Riders of the lost Ark.

Sun 20:12:43

oblong cassidy Vote score: 151oblong cassidy

Bradley Swiggins

Sun 20:11:43

Scrijjy Doo Vote score: 14915Scrijjy Doo

The Passed and the Furious

Sun 20:10:34

John Harrison Vote score: 8336John Harrison

Pedalling Pool

Sun 20:07:41

Dave Bryan Vote score: 36362Dave Bryan

Trying his first water jump, a young Eddie Kidd narrowly fails to clear the swimming pool.

Sun 20:07:40, edited: Sun 20:24:19

Stephen Bean Vote score: 46647Stephen Bean

Cousteau de France

Sun 20:06:31

James Lennox Vote score: 21276James Lennox

"I just don't think Lance will grow up to be a great swimmer," said Mrs. Armstrong.

Sun 20:06:12, edited: Sun 20:07:37

Karyn Harrison Vote score: 12388Karyn Harrison

Riding the waves

Sun 20:06:03

Vanessa  the Guesser Vote score: 23673Vanessa the Guesser

Buoy racer

Sun 20:06:02

Tony S Vote score: 11214Tony S

When your kids are learning to ride a bike it's best to just throw them in at the deep end.

Sun 20:04:09

James Lennox Vote score: 21276James Lennox

Aquaman was determined his son would have a normal childhood.

Sun 20:04:03

Vanessa  the Guesser Vote score: 23673Vanessa the Guesser

Chris Ahoy

Sun 20:04:01

Hercules  Rockefeller Vote score: 15102Hercules Rockefeller

Baby Overboard

Sun 20:03:21

Tony S Vote score: 11214Tony S

Water Raleigh.

Sun 20:02:00

Hercules  Rockefeller Vote score: 15102Hercules Rockefeller

The original album cover for Nirvana's Nevermind wasn't nearly as controversial.

Sun 20:01:39

Kathleen Ralph Vote score: 1684Kathleen Ralph

Jonas was always an excellent 'Schwinn'er.'

Sun 20:01:26, edited: Mon 19:22:48

Tony S Vote score: 11214Tony S

The council need to fill in these pot holes.

Sun 20:00:51

Scrijjy Doo Vote score: 14915Scrijjy Doo

"As long as he's wearing a helmet, he's fine."

Sun 20:00:24

Neil Mackenzie Vote score: 15608Neil Mackenzie

We are too late they already have a Starmer of the show.

Sun 19:00:27

Neil Mackenzie Vote score: 15608Neil Mackenzie

Buck Rogers rabbits, I always wanted to Roger Wilma.

Sun 18:39:04

Gavin Smithers Vote score: 588Gavin Smithers

Liverpool's front three weren't allowed on the coach back from Plymouth.

Sun 17:54:02

Gavin Smithers Vote score: 588Gavin Smithers

A single to Sloane Square.

Sun 17:49:31

Gavin Smithers Vote score: 588Gavin Smithers

Once they've eaten his two vegetables they may go for the meat.

Sun 17:42:52

Ian Searle Vote score: 3107Ian Searle

They always said she'd get square eyes.

Sun 14:22:22

KT A Vote score: 10163KT A

Imagine the funeral. ‘So, how did he go?’ ‘Uh… he got eaten alive. By rabbits.’ ‘Jesus. Like a thousand of them?’ ‘No, just 16. But they were really determined.’

Sun 14:12:27

KT A Vote score: 10163KT A

This is what happens when you say, ‘I don’t care what we do, babe. You pick the date night.’

Sun 14:09:40

John Harrison Vote score: 8336John Harrison

Tina had told Dave how much pleasure she got from her Rabbit, but he couldn't see the appeal.

Sun 13:25:27

Scrijjy Doo Vote score: 14915Scrijjy Doo

Lettuce Prey

Sun 12:55:59

Scrijjy Doo Vote score: 14915Scrijjy Doo

🎵 Some guys have all the buck. 🎵

Sun 12:50:14

Scrijjy Doo Vote score: 14915Scrijjy Doo

Starsky and Hutch

Sun 12:48:09

Karyn Harrison Vote score: 12388Karyn Harrison

Vivisectionist gets his just desserts.

Sun 12:45:41

Stephen Bean Vote score: 46647Stephen Bean

Doe of the Dead

Sun 12:37:14

Kathleen Ralph Vote score: 1684Kathleen Ralph

"Genie... I meant Playboy bunnies."

Sun 12:35:55

Greg Curtis Vote score: 9414Greg Curtis

SEWERely You Jest

Sun 12:32:27

Jo Vote score: 2710Jo

Hare Crushna

Sun 12:30:29

Dave Bryan Vote score: 36362Dave Bryan

Not a happy bunny

Sun 12:25:29, edited: Sun 12:37:41

Tony S Vote score: 11214Tony S

Where we started this photo shoot there was only 2 rabbits.

Sun 12:20:49

oblong cassidy Vote score: 151oblong cassidy

Dave rued the day he went to work wearing a carrot flavoured condom ..

Sun 12:20:08

Dan Nicholls Vote score: 19850Dan Nicholls

Fetch the Veet, this man is in desperate need of hare removal cream.

Sun 12:19:09

Stephen Bean Vote score: 46647Stephen Bean

"I warned you not to visit Caerbannog."

Sun 12:17:54

James Lennox Vote score: 21276James Lennox

Surprisingly, this is a common cause of death amongst vegetarians.

Sun 12:14:18

Stephen Bean Vote score: 46647Stephen Bean

"We finally tracked down the director of Fatal Attraction," said Peter Rabbit.

Sun 12:14:08

Karyn Harrison Vote score: 12388Karyn Harrison

Dave was having a bad hare day.

Sun 12:11:47

Stephen Bean Vote score: 46647Stephen Bean

Lapin up the attention

Sun 12:11:28

Karyn Harrison Vote score: 12388Karyn Harrison

'I won't be using that Playboy aftershave again in a hurry,' thought Dave.

Sun 12:10:52

Jo Vote score: 2710Jo

Well that's a harey situation

Sun 12:10:26

Jo Vote score: 2710Jo

Dave was really happy with his taxidermy creation, until it fell over and killed him

Sun 12:09:23

James Lennox Vote score: 21276James Lennox

"Good work, Thumper. Finish him off, lads."

Sun 12:09:15

oblong cassidy Vote score: 151oblong cassidy

Furred world problems

Sun 12:07:59

Stephen Bean Vote score: 46647Stephen Bean

Tina trained her rabbits to give fantastic doe jobs.

Sun 12:07:36, edited: Wed 1:51:35

Tony Edwards Vote score: 41216Tony Edwards

Heavy petting

Sun 12:06:54

monty D Vote score: 1573monty D

Hare course

Sun 12:06:08, edited: Sun 13:24:27

Dave Bryan Vote score: 36362Dave Bryan

Those rabbits who couldn't reach the food were hopping mad.

Sun 12:05:24, edited: Sun 12:17:15

monty D Vote score: 1573monty D

Very bunny

Sun 12:04:12

oblong cassidy Vote score: 151oblong cassidy

He was a hares breath away from death.

Sun 12:03:18

Hercules  Rockefeller Vote score: 15102Hercules Rockefeller

Wascally wabbits

Sun 12:03:15

Tony S Vote score: 11214Tony S

"Hey Chas stop messing around and write us another song." Said Dave

Sun 12:03:06

oblong cassidy Vote score: 151oblong cassidy

The police have issued a warren for their arrest..

Sun 12:02:28

tony kelly Vote score: 2288tony kelly

Rabbit Stu.

Sun 12:02:11

Phil Swan Vote score: 5392Phil Swan

Another hare brained idea

Sun 12:02:06

Jo Vote score: 2710Jo

Hugs Bunny

Sun 12:01:48

Phil Swan Vote score: 5392Phil Swan

Reverse road kill

Sun 12:01:23

Hercules  Rockefeller Vote score: 15102Hercules Rockefeller

"Run away!"

Sun 12:01:12

tony kelly Vote score: 2288tony kelly

''Ah. Attack any part of my body, but please...Stay away from my hare.''

Sun 12:00:53

Glyn Evans Vote score: 12846Glyn Evans

Watership Downed

Sun 12:00:29

Ian Searle Vote score: 3107Ian Searle

"Have you tried turning her on again?"

Sun 12:00:06

Ian Searle Vote score: 3107Ian Searle

"Which way to Optometry?"
"No eye deer"

Sun 11:59:11

Ryan French Vote score: 78Ryan French

Clown Town

Sun 11:53:53

Peter Vote score: 509Peter

Turns out the Boss said make sure we're wearing PPE work wear.

Sun 11:07:21

Mandy Tate Vote score: 538Mandy Tate

You Tube

Sun 11:02:05

Glad You Remember Vote score: 3366Glad You Remember

AI image generators: a visual metaphor

Sun 10:59:29

KT A Vote score: 10163KT A

The Jestablishment

Sun 9:52:35

Dave Bryan Vote score: 36362Dave Bryan

''We were three unemployed clowns until we discovered the buried treasure underneath the road. Then we became part of the media circus.''

Sun 9:45:37

Nigel Marshall Vote score: 2143Nigel Marshall

Fire escape training was taken seriously

Sun 9:43:03

monty D Vote score: 1573monty D

Headspace on the go

Sun 9:38:47

tony kelly Vote score: 2288tony kelly

''Have we arrived at the circus?''
''Houses of parliament - same thing.''

Sun 9:35:01

Peter Vote score: 509Peter

Portable 80's VR headset

Sun 9:13:42

C CaMel Vote score: 17541C CaMel

“I think I slept funny last night.”

Sun 9:06:07

Kathleen Ralph Vote score: 1684Kathleen Ralph

Santa's 'Party-Animals'
check into... the 'Doe'tox Centre.'

Sun 8:50:40, edited: Sun 16:11:21

Glyn Evans Vote score: 12846Glyn Evans

Clown #1: "You understand the plan. You've seen The Dark Knight Rises?"

Clown #2: "Yeah Boss, we're not doing this plan because you're compensating for not being in that movie? It's been done already"

Clown #3: "I agree, this plan is thoroughly unimaginative! Imagine copycatting a plan that failed over 400 years ago?"

Clown #2: "The Dark Knight Rises was made over 400 years ago? I didn't even think they had movies back then"

Sun 8:37:06, edited: Sun 8:47:44

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