lol creative clever

super vote: ( left this week)

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last comments (total: 3)

Welcome to the site Iva and thank you for your comments. I have to say that I am a little confused as you have voted for this one, which you feel is farcically the subject of a rigged vote and not voted for the one you felt should win. Have you voted for the wrong caption in error?
If you want some reassurance as to the measures taken to avoid any collusion in voting then Chris Beach is the administrator and originator of the site and I am sure that he would be happy to explain how things work.

(caption author)

I have a sneaky feeling Iver couldn't vote.... because it's his own caption.


Wow - quite an impression for your first day. Rude, egotistical and bad grammar. I have no way of knowing who has written what captions and likewise nobody else knows which one is mine. I am sure that, with your natural charm, you will amass plenty of friends to vote for yours, if that is what floats your boat. As far as your opinion on my caption goes - I really do not care what you think however I do care when you insult the integrity of those who have voted - Andrea, Spud Gunn, John Glover, Zac Kramer, Lucky Elperro, Ron Allen and Michael Winner did not know that the caption was mine and do not deserve to be insulted by someone who cannot construct a sentence nor understand the meaning of literally.


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